The Golden Bachelor’s Gerry Turner Gives Intriguing Life Advice Amid Theresa Nist Divorce

The Golden Bachelor leading man Gerry Turner is offering some advice as he navigates his divorce from Theresa Nist. Gerry, a 72-year-old retired restaurateur from Hudson, Indiana, and Theresa, a 70-year-old financial services professional from Shrewsbury, New Jersey, got engaged at the end of The Golden Bachelor season 1. They got married shortly after, on January 4, 2024, in a live, televised event called the Golden Wedding. However, just three months later, Gerry and Theresa announced that they were getting a divorce because they couldn't decide where to live because neither one of them wanted to leave their family.

The Golden Bachelor's Gerry Turner Gives Intriguing Life Advice Amid  Theresa Nist Divorce

"I have two pieces of advice. First, always love them like you will never see them again, and second, don't believe a word they say until they are over 21 years old."

In an interview with in honor of Father's Day, Gerry shared that "being a dad and grandpa is the absolute best."Gerry then offered some advice to his fellow parents and grandparents. He said, "I have two pieces of advice. First, always love them like you will never see them again, and second, don't believe a word they say until they are over 21 years old." In typical Gerry fashion, his advice is the perfect mix of sincerity and humor.


Gerry Turner Wants To Age "Gracefully" After Divorce

Gerry Has Simple Plans For The Future

When asked what Gerry is most looking forward to doing in the future with his adult daughters, Angie and Jenny, and his granddaughters, Payton and Charlee, he shared some simple plans. He said, "Now, I just want to keep aging gracefully and talking about the 'good old days' with them." It's nice to see that Gerry is focusing on his immediate family after his divorce announcement from Theresa. They were there for him every step of the way through The Golden Bachelor, and they've continued to be by his side during the divorce as well.

The Golden Bachelor Golden Wedding

Gerry and Theresa's Golden Bachelor divorce stemmed from the fact that they both wanted to stay close to their families. This is understandable because they both lost their spouses. Gerry's wife, Toni, passed away suddenly due to a bacterial infection six years before he filmed the show. They'd been together for 43 years. Similarly, Theresa lost her husband, Billy, to kidney disease nine years before The Golden Bachelor. They'd met when Theresa was 14, and Billy was 16 and were married for 42 years. Gerry and Theresa bonded over these tragic losses, but they also had hope that they could find love again with each other.

It's wonderful to see that Gerry is looking forward to spending Father's Day with his daughters and granddaughters. They've been a support system for each other, and it's clear that they enjoy spending time together. They mean the world to him, and he put them above everything else in his life. Gerry also has a 92-year-old father, Everett, whom he can honor on Father's Day as well. It's beautiful to see Gerry expressing his unconditional love for his family. They can be Gerry's rays of sunshine during his divorce from Theresa.