The Golden Bachelor: Gerry Turner Was A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing (He Fooled A Good Woman - Theresa Nist)


The Golden Bachelor star Gerry Turner isn't a prince like everyone thought - he's more like a scary monster from a Grimm's fairy tale, and he really took Theresa Nist for a ride. This wolf in sheep's clothing seemed nice enough on the surface. Gerry was well-groomed and pleasant, with a poignant backstory that touched heartstrings. However, when all was said and done, Gerry misrepresented himself and let Theresa down.

The Golden Bachelor: Gerry Turner Was A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing (He Fooled  A Good Woman - Theresa Nist)

Theresa wanted a knight in shining armor - what she got was a man who mocked her after their breakup, by wearing an “Indiana: It’s not that bad!” t-shirt. At first, he reeled her in with some tall tales. Now, she knows who he really is. She trusted him, believing the things he said, but he wouldn't really prove his love. Yes, he married her, likely for fame, but he wouldn't move for her sake. The great romantic and lonely widower Gerry couldn't give his whole heart. However, he pretended to while the cameras rolled.

Gerry's Romantic History Was Murkier Than He Let On

He Did Date After Widowhood Before Appearing On The Bachelor


Once upon a time, Gerry seemed so innocent and sweet. He lost his beloved wife Toni and told the world that he remained single afterward, until the fateful day when he decided to throw his hat in The Golden Bachelor ring, to try and find love again. That seemed so romantic - a man who needed so much time to heal after his wife's passing seemed like a loving human being and a good romantic prospect. However, Gerry appeared to embellish his backstory, possibly to make himself look good.

He hadn't really been single the whole time. Gerry seemingly had a relationship the same year his wife passed away - 2017. He reportedly dated a woman named Carolyn (she used a fake first name to protect her privacy while talking to The Hollywood Reporter). During that chat, she said that she was with Gerry for three years. Carolyn talked to that publication about her dates with Gerry and said she lived with him for well over a year. Meanwhile, he was playing up his widow image to the hilt for the show, telling Entertainment Weekly:

"I haven't dated in 45 years."

It seemed like Gerry's The Golden Bachelor experience was mostly about letting the world know what a great guy he was. As a Leo man, he's a natural showboat - for Leos, attention is irresistible. Therefore, Gerry could have fibbed about certain aspects of his past in order to look better in the public eye. If he was playing a part the whole time, just to bask in the spotlight, he really was a "wolf in sheep's clothing."


Gerry Mocked Their Marital Problems With His "Indiana Joke" T-Shirt

He Didn't Seem To Take The Split Seriously

The Golden Bachelor Gerry Turner at the lake posing with his two women
Gerry Turner/Instagram

Gerry and Theresa divorced - neither would move for the other. However, since Gerry tried to paint himself as the ultimate gentleman and romantic, it seems like he should have been the one who made the sacrifice. Instead, he remained in Indiana, even taunting his ex with an "Indiana, It's Not That Bad" t-shirt. Gerry added his mocking post to Instagram, clearly thrilled to be modeling the funny top for his followers. Of course, he posed with women just to give his Instagram post a bit more "revenge" energy.

What was Gerry really trying to say here? That Theresa made a mistake by not moving there? Maybe, but by making fun of the situation, he made it seem like she chose wisely. Someone who had really loved her at some point would probably never do something like that.

When Theresa saw that, it probably stung. Yes, it makes sense that neither senior wanted to leave their friends and relatives to live with a new partner. However, Theresa didn't rub her post-split "happiness" in his face the way that Gerry rubs his in hers. He seems like an attention-seeker. That's why it's possible that Gerry should be canceled.

Gerry Wanted Fame & He Got His Wish

That Was Probably All He Wanted

Yes, he gets trashed now, with haters baying for his blood, but ultimately, Gerry appeared to have one goal - fame. By appearing on the show, and getting so much publicity when he divorced Theresa, he became quite a famous person. There are constantly headlines about Gerry, Theresa and their problems. There's curiosity about what will happen to each of them now that they're single.

If clout was Gerry goal, he achieved it. He may not even mind playing the villain now - possibly, that role is a better fit for who he really is. He may feel like he can unmask and be himself, after a tiring Prince Charming act that went on for much too long. Now that Gerry's a wolf out of sheep's clothing, he can roam the world, looking for new prey. Whether it's a woman or fame, or money, Gerry has options.

Before he appeared on the show, Gerry lived a quieter life. His Leo soul wanted more, but more of what? Love? Fame? Probably the latter. To a Leo, playing to the audience is the most amusing and meaningful form of self-expression. When Gerry was "performing" on The Golden Bachelor, he probably loved every second of it. Even the fraught and emotional scenes may have thrilled him because he knew they'd get so much attention. Gerry:

  • got famous for being a widower who was searching for love
  • wouldn't move for the woman he married
  • began to revel in his single status
  • didn't fight for their relationship (Gerry and Theresa are divorced)
  • tried to make people feel sorry for him

People pretend on reality TV all the time. They slip into different guises to get what they want. All too often, it's not true love that they really want. It's something else entirely - it's power. In America and beyond, fame is a portal to power. Now that Gerry's out of his sheep's costume, he can leverage his fame without needing to play the soft and sensitive widower. He can present a stronger, fiercer image, which he may feel is manlier. Gerry is never going to be perceived as an angel again, and that may be exactly how The Golden Bachelor star wants it.