Texans LB Earns Praise from Draft Classmate


Houston Texans linebacker Henry To'oTo'o and wide receiver Xavier Hutchinson were both Day 3 picks in the 2023 NFL Draft, and they have remained supportive of one another ever since.

Both of them were able to carve out roles in their rookie year, and that's expected to grow as they get into their second seasons.

"I mean, we help each other, just by keeping each other really present," Hutchinson said of To'oTo'o. "I think it’s very easy for yourself to lose focus or lose sight of what you’re really here for at times. And I feel like me and him really bounced each other off. If he was having a bad day, I tried to pick him up. And if I was having a bad day, he tried to do the same. So, Henry’s my guy. He’s not only just my locker mate, but that’s a real true friend for me. So, I wish him nothing but the best, for sure.”

A rookie year in the NFL can be a busy one, but now as they enter their second seasons in the league, they can see the day-to-day life slow down a little bit.

"I think last year was hard for a lot of us as rookies, just because you didn’t know what was going on," Hutchinson said. "Just to really see him be more himself, be more comfortable in what he’s doing on the field. And really just having that confidence, I feel like it’s shown. He’s not second thinking himself. And he’s really just playing off just natural ability, which you love to see. I really feel like that’s where he kind of took the step to his next game.”

Hutchinson, To'oTo'o and the Texans are preparing to play in their season opener on Sunday against the Indianapolis Colts. Kickoff is set for 12 noon CT.