While both teams are vastly different, they both share some similarities. However, the rivalry will stir up once again after what Smith said on First Take, on Tuesday morning.”The New York Knicks gon' get further in the East than the Lakers are gonna get in the West. You just remember that,” Smith said.
The Lakers and Knicks are vastly similar. Both have stars, and a quality supporting cast behind them. Not to mention, they've both dealt with some embarrassing losses. For instance, Knicks head coach Tom Thibodeau broke the silence on the stunning loss to the undermanned Orlando Magic.
On the flip side, Los Angeles endured a tough loss as well. Lakers star Anthony Davis and head coach JJ Redick blasted the officials for a last-second call that cost them the game against the Denver Nuggets. Both teams are going through their share of tough losses but the talent remains.
Stephen A Smith's prediction of the Knicks and Lakers could come true
Both teams have a similar record. However, Smith sees New York lasting better than Los Angeles, and for good reason. The Knicks have the third-highest offensive rating in the NBA. The Lakers have the 11th-best in the league. Still, the game isn't merely decided on one side of the ball.
Defensively, New York is legit as well. As a result, the net rating differential is huge between the two. The Knicks have a +6.8, compared to the Lakers -1.8. Although the win totals are the same, these are numbers that will matter in the long run. Having quality and tough wins could be the deciding factors of five to 10 games this season.
There's much of the season left, and it wouldn't be the first time that Smith has been wrong in a prediition. He loves his New York teams but the Lakers could prove a lot of people wrong. Redick is doing a solid job in his first season as the head coach. Plus, they get back one of their defensive anchors on the perimeter, Jarred Vanderbilt.
This could be a topic that many circle back to once the season is done. For now, it's fun to compare the two teams, albeit they're in separate conferences.