After selling her Valley Village house in 2021, Kristen Doute moved into an apartment in Los Angeles with her boyfriend, Luke Broderick. In the video above, The Valley cast member gave an exclusive tour, revealing how the spacious abode had "two refrigerators," an open concept kitchen, and "crystals all over the house" (more on that later).
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Though the couple seemed to be enjoying their time in the apartment, it sounds like they're considering a move in the near future.
"Another big thing that is hopefully happening ... we just submitted applications to move into a rental house," Luke shared on the June 27th episode of his and Kristen's podcast, Balancing Act.
After Kristen confirmed the news, Luke added, "So exciting."
Though the pair didn't specify exactly where they submitted applications, fans of The Valley may be wondering if Kristen and Luke are considering a rental home in Los Angeles, where Kristen is based, or in Colorado, where Luke lives part-time.
Whatever the case may be, we can't wait to see what the home looks like!
See Kristen Doute's Los Angeles Apartment
Just ICYMI, before Kristen and Luke move out of their LA apartment, you can revisit the details in the video tour above and check out the photos below.
“As you can see, we have not one, but two refrigerators,” Kristen pointed out regarding their unique setup. “Luke, don’t tell me I never gave you anything in this apartment … you do have your own beverage fridge.” Luke replied, “I think half those beverages are yours.”
You can also spot all those beautiful crystals in the kitchen.
“We have crystals all over the house,” Kristen explained, as she showed off a large crystal sitting on the kitchen counter. “This is my fertility moon rock. Our fertility moon rock.”
See more details of the inside below:
The apartment also features an outdoor balcony area, perfect for enjoying the California sun.
“I describe my personal style as boho chic with a modern twist and I really loved the character of this home and how old it is,” she said of her home in the video. “But it was really closed in, it had dark wood floors, so I just wanted to open it up and make it feel light and airy.”