Phinsider Question Of The Day: Did Not Meet My Expectations Edition


Like every other team in the NFL, our Miami Dolphins seem to be constantly adding and subtracting players. This post is more about the players the team adds, whether through free agency, the draft, or via a trade. We are all guilty of seeing a guy added to the roster and believing that he’s the guy who will make a difference or even finally take the team to the next level. I suppose hope is the thing that keeps us coming back despite being kicked in the teeth for years or even decades by our beloved Miami Dolphins. Being a Phins fan is all about being a part of an abusive relationship much of the time.

Phinsider Question Of The Day: Did Not Meet My Expectations Edition - The  Phinsider

Before I give you the question of the day, I need to give Yarganaught a tip of the hat for the post idea.

So this evening’s Phinsider Question Of The Day is: Which player currently on the roster has yet to live up to your expectations when added to the Dolphins roster?

Please give us your thoughts and answers in the comments section below-