NFL Kansas City Chiefs star offers to pay $1.5 million to cover stolen chicken wings, under one condition


A theft has taken place. A major one, involving chicken wings. But have no fear, Kansas City Chiefs star Chris Jones is here. And he may be able to save the day.

Chris Jones offers to pay $1.5 million for stolen chicken wings

Kansas City Chiefs
Denny Medley-USA TODAY Sports

A woman named Vera Liddell, working as a cafeteria consultant for an Illinois school district, has admitted to stealing 11,000 cases of food that mainly consist of chicken wings. Due to the odd nature of the act, the crime spree has gone viral. These chicken wings and other assorted foods reportedly have a total value of $1.5 million.

She allegedly ordered the food from the school district’s food provider and then proceeded to pick up the orders in a district cargo van. The crime spree took place between July 2020 and February 2022. Liddell has since been sentenced to nine years in prison, but not if Kansas City Chiefs star Chris Jones gets his way.

Her Chicago-based defense lawyer reportedly heard about an NFL player wanting to pay for the crime with his own money despite not having anything to do with the case. When the lawyer, named Patrick O’Byrne, heard about it, he thought the whole thing was a hoax. But it wasn’t.

Someone representing Jones called the lawyer, in hopes of fetching over his money to help set the woman free.

“She’s just a little sweetheart that’s got a gambling problem. She feels beyond terrible about this. This is totally uncharacteristic of her. It was the disease taking over.”

Patrick O’Byrne, lawyer representing Vera Liddell

Liddell was recently placed in the Logan Correctional Facility, on the same day that her lawyer heard about the now-viral tweet from Jones. He says he’s “never heard of anything like this.” Who has?

Ultimately, Liddell’s lawyer “Hopes everything works out so that we can get her out.”

Meanwhile, Jones’s representatives remain in contact with Liddell’s lawyer, gathering more information on the case. However, freeing her now may be complicated by the fact that she has already been sentenced now as a convicted felon and placed in prison. However, they have 30 days to submit a motion to vacate her guilty plea, requesting a payment of restitution.