Gerry Turner’s Lust for Fame Exposed This Flaw in the Bachelor Franchise


Reality TV has always been a space that has attracted fame seekers who are interested in selling a good story rather than being their authentic selves, which is the premise of the genre. The Love Island franchise has a history of attracting romantic hucksters, individuals more interested in playing the part of a hopeful romantic to get cast on the series, while in reality only looking to further their careers. Netflix's stable of reality stars have offered up similar cases of bad faith actors when it comes to dating for fame rather than romance. Series like Love Is Blind, Too Hot To Handle, and Perfect Match have seen their fair share of individuals that are clearly more interested in establishing a career as a reality TV star, rather than pursuing the path to a lasting romantic commitment in good faith. Viewers understand that not everything about reality TV is real, but the contestants on reality TV dating series have gotten so brazen in their fraudulent tactics that it is starting to alienate the audience.

Gerry Turner mỉm cười trước ống kính khi mặc bộ tuxedo trong chương trình The Golden Bachelor

Even the longstanding Bachelor franchise is not immune to this unfortunate trend of contestants getting past the screening process to take their shot at reality stardom. The inaugural Golden Bachelor series on ABC launched to great fanfare, with viewers getting emotionally attached to the story of widower Gerry Turner looking for a second chance at love after claiming that he had not dated anyone seriously since his first wife had passed away. Then The Hollywood Reporter released an exposé revealing that Gerry's dating history was actually quite extensive, and not only that, but he had also seemingly lied about his work history as well. It seems that all reality dating series need to be on notice that these fraudsters abound when it comes to the casting process. But it is somewhat surprising that a franchise as long-running as The Bachelor could be so hoodwinked by Turner that they were not able to do a thorough background check on the inaugural Golden Bachelor.

'The Golden Bachelor' Casting Process

Image via ABC

The application for The Golden Bachelor begins with the question: Are you ready to get married if you met the next love of your life today? It gets straight to the point that the series is intended to match the applicant with their next spouse. The application goes on to request the normal kind of identity related questions one would expect, asking about physical appearance, history of past marriages, and whether there are children/grandchildren in the picture.

Then there are two particularly pointed questions, asking the applicant if they are "genuinely" looking for love and why they would want to find love on TV. Many of these kinds of subjective questions begin from the assumption that the applicant is applying in good faith and also telling the full truth, and not just pushing a story to make it through the application process. Other questions on The Golden Bachelor application are meant to screen for certain indicators that someone might not be suitable, like if they have already appeared on a reality series before, if they have ever been "arrested or convicted," or if they have ever had a temporary restraining order filed against them.

The "Eligibility Requirements" also warn that applicants give producers the right to compile information from third parties about their "private, personal, and public life," and notes that the casting process may reveal "confidences and secrets" along the way. The requirements warn that the production's use or revelation of this personal information may embarrass the applicant. A background check is also listed as a requirement, and warns that anyone chosen for an in-person interview may be required to undergo "physical, medical, and psychological examinations and testing." It all sounds very thorough, but if these background checks, examinations, and testing all occurred, how was Gerry Turner enabled to pull the wool over the eyes of The Golden Bachelor producers so fully?

Gerry Turner on 'The Golden Bachelor'