Free agents you want for the Miami Dolphins!


I wrote about the league year starting on March 12th almost a week ago, with the “legal tampering” period beginning on the 10th. I then posed the following question regarding free agents:

Miami Dolphins Free Agents You Want Back - The Phinsider

So tonight’s question of the day is, which free agents do you want to see or believe should be a priority for our Miami Dolphins to sign?

Below are some of your thoughts and answers-

StanleyDoyle1 starts us off by going right after a top team need.

James Daniels- G Pittsburgh

Dolfanjoe went rogue by skipping right to the draft, but he is correct. This team needs a TON of affordable talent.

In a Gennaro mock draft, we trade with the Broncos. They get the TE they desire and Miami still gets the GA. safety ! Along with more picks! This is what we will need to add affordable players!

coach k 13 is not concerned with FA and wants new general managers already.

A new GM, and good evening!

21Dave probably saw what Philly did to KC in the Super Bowl.

Trench help, both sides and real help, not cast offs they think they can game up!!

MIAMI235 just wants some quality OG’s, damn it!

Big Will , may be a possibility…..regardless we need two of lol Two top Offensive Guards !!

cyberflea asks an excellent question as we broke as it applies to the cap.

Who do you want or who can the Dolphins afford?

SlayerNation1 had a question or statement that is, unfortunately, probably the truth to a great degree.

Another question which will be so much more interesting 12 months from now.

Until there is a culture change, FAs just come here for an easy camp, load management and a State Tax free paycheck. They can come and go as they please, unlimited PTO, everything is on the “Honor System”

Hopefully, many of you are following the combine or at least the list of players that our Miami Dolphins have visited with this week. With a limited budget over the next few years, the draft picks and the team's ability to get those correct will be much more critical to remain competitive than any free agent signing they make. Either way, the team will still need to add some talent in free agency this year to hope to compete in 2025.

If you have some thoughts on free agency or specific players that the team should be targeting and missed the original post, please feel free to give your thoughts in the comments section below. Thank you, as always, to each of you who took the time to read and answer our question of the day. We will return tomorrow with a new Phinsider question of the day.