Brian Daboll Has Message for Giants Fans After Seahawks Win


The New York Giants secured victory number two on October 6, upsetting the Seattle Seahawks on the road at Lumen Field in Washington, 29-20.

After the game, head coach Brian Daboll made it a point to address the Big Blue fanbase and every NYG supporter that traveled out west to Seattle.

Giants head coach Brian Daboll.

“And let me say this… our fans were awesome again,” Daboll said. “Traveling out on the road. I mean, it’s nice to hear New York Giant chants at the end of the game. So, shout-out to the fans.”

Daboll was also very pleased with his team’s performance as a whole against the Seahawks.

“There’s a lot of things to clean up but I’m proud of our team, I’m proud of our coaches,” he expressed to reporters. “To come all the way across the country and lose a tough couple of games here in the last month — which I thought we competed at — I think we’re getting better.”

“We’re certainly not there,” Daboll added, “but I just think the cohesiveness of the staff, the players — I think that’s important, particularly early on in the year. A lot of hard workers. A lot of team players that put the team first, but [a] long way to go. This is one game in a tough environment.”

The Giants head coach concluded that he’s most proud of how his team “responded early in the game” after the 102-yard fumble return touchdown.

Michael Obermuller covers the NFL and NHL for, where he began writing in 2021. His areas of focus include the Kansas City Chiefs, New York Giants, Pittsburgh Steelers and Miami Dolphins, as well as the New York Rangers and New York Islanders. An NYC area native and Quinnipiac graduate, his previous bylines include FanDuel's The Duel, King Fantasy Sports and Pro Football Mania. More about Michael Obermuller

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