Adam Schefter weighs in on possibility of Rams trading Matt Stafford to Giants


One thing to always remember about the NFL offseason: no one knows anything. That feels especially true this year, as an above-average amount of big NFL names have found themsleves at the middle of some especially juicy trade rumors.

Matthew Stafford Trade Rumors Swirling Ahead Of November Deadline - The Spun

One of those names, for some reason, is Matt Stafford. The Rams' QB is, politely put, on the back nine of his career, and there's been some growing speculation that the Rams may want to start figuring out what their post-Stafford plan looks like. For Stafford, that means the possibility of playing for some kinda-awful team with a big brand (i.e., New York's teams) is extremely on the table. The Giants, sadly, just feel like a place where Stafford could spend the last few years of his career that everyone chooses to forget the moment it ends.

It's a rumor that's gained enough traction to show up on podcasts all over the internet, so much so that even ESPN's Adam Schefter is fielding questions about it. On a recent podcast chat with a Giants beat writer, Schefter weighed in on what he's hearing regarding a possible move this offseason.

It doesn't sound like a Matt Stafford-Giants trade is all that realistic right now

"I think they're committed to trying to work something out, but it doesn't mean that they actually will work something out," Schefter said. "And that's where Giant fans, and people around the tristate New York area are getting curious and interested, because if they don't get it worked out, then obviously the Giants become an option. But, I can tell you, I think the Rams have sensed and believed that they think that they can get it worked out. Doesn't mean they will."

I'm not sure I've ever heard a soundbite that better represents the NFL offseason than this. The Rams might work something out, but they might not! And if they do, then there's nothing to talk about. BUT! If they don't? Then there's something to talk about. I thought ESPN paywalls all their really good reporting now?!

So now that Schefter's said it, Rams fans can be confident that the team may, or may not, trade Stafford this offseason. Thanks to this sound reporting, fans know that the team senses some things, believes other things, and the possibility exists that they act on it. But remember! It doesn't mean they will. Hope this cleared things up.